Delulu(Delusion) is not the Solulu(Solution)

Shivam Raj
5 min readJan 19, 2024


Everything written below includes me as well. I have taken examples but you can generalize it as well and also apply your life incident instead of my examples.

“Delulu is the Solulu” is a new GenZ atttitude which we are seeing a lot in the younger generation or immature people nowadays. I don’t know why people opted this attitude including me. It just sounds cool but it isn’t. Instead of being where we are and doing what is our purpose of being there or understanding/finding our power and calibre, we are creating a fake delusional world around us where we are trying to fit or excel but forgetting who we really are, or what our roots were. We are investing more on the short-term goals which we will not even be proud of later and are not seeing the bigger picture behind our existence or our existence in that particular time of life. We are trying to prove it to someone that they are wrong even though they don’t even care or if they care, maybe they also have the same attitude. We are trying to prove to ourselves that we are not what we are rather than channelling our flaws into superpowers.

Why are we doing this? To create this delusion world (I will call it a matrix) around us which is a lie imo, we start by one lie because we want to show the world that we are someone else than who we really are. We want to create an image of us on other peoples minds which we are not. But things starts going south when to hide that one lie, we start by lying more on top of it to make it true. We try to gaslight everyone into believing that the person we want them to see is the right image. But the shortcoming of this is that we are not gaslighting people in believing but ourselves. We are trying to create a matrix where we feel cool, happy, basically what we think we want to be.

Someone who was a nerd or was secluded once now loves to be called a playboy. Someone who was from strict household thinks playboys are cool. Basically, we are channelling each other’s delulus. Someone who passed the phase of “liking the playboys” now tries to hide their past from the people they want in their life. And again, we try to lie to hide our past. And this goes on.

What are we loosing by this? We are loosing the superpowers we once had. For example, someone who had good heart now hides it from other people because they think it will be misused, but by doing this, they are not attracting the right people who comes into their life. They fear that if they show their actual self, their friends, loved ones will not accept them.

We are also loosing the time, opportunities and the right people which came in this period of time where we wanted to be someone else. For example, someone who reads romantic novels makes a fictional prince charming in their mind and they think that the person they want is exactly like how it is described in the book. But they forget who they really are and they main character in the novel didn’t had the same past as them. Everyone has their own story in which they are the main character and I believe that your future choices should also consider your past. For example, for someone who wants to be wanted needs someone who gives attention. Someone who likes deep talks needs someone who listens and equally takes part in the conversation. But due to lie we are trying to create we show that we don’t care about these things, and because of this, when the right people comes, we are confused.

There is a quote which says, ”We think we want the whiskey, but in real life, we need the water”.

How did we get into this? One of the major things we run away from is the past. I used to take counseling before as it was a perk in my previous job and one of the things she said was, “Our brain develops for the first 18 months and the things we don’t get are the things we crave”. So, for example if someone who was pampered a lot seeks wild. Someone who was not given much love and care seeks love. Someone who didn’t had a sibling craves a sibling, etc. And that is where intuitions come from (or we can call it the light). But when we get older, we see the real world and then we get afraid of what if I will die in the wild or what if I am seeking love and someone will misuse it. And that is where our acceptance comes from (we can call it the dark).

How can we get out of it? There will be triggers in your life. If not, we create the triggers. Instead of getting afraid of them or running away, we should face it. There’s a quote “When it feels scary to jump, that is exactly when you jump, otherwise you end up staying in the same place your whole life, and that I can’t do”. Some people have lot of light in them and some people will have lot of darkness in them. We don’t want to go to the extremes of both. We have to find the balance and that is what the Ying-Yang symbol means (I figured out later that the blog I was trying to write will conclude to Ying-Yang). We shouldn’t always listen to intuition and we shouldn’t always accept what we are given. But what we can do is channel our behaviour into what we should use when. Instead of running away from our insecurities and flaws, we should be able to tame it and use it as our superpowers.

How to do it? By letting go. By forgiving yourself, by forgiving the person you hate. Forgive your mom, dad, siblings, relatives, friends, acquaintances and people who made you feel less. It’s also their first time in this world and they are also living in some other delulu. Let go of that goal which makes you feel that you’re becoming a person that you are not.

I personally think that by breaking the delulu you’re currently in, you will go into a bigger delulu and so on till death but it’s better to live in a bigger lie than a small one. For example, when I was young, I thought I wanted money. Later on, I found out that I wanted happiness. Now, I think I just need peace. Maybe later in life, I would like something else.



Shivam Raj
Shivam Raj

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